Pre-Arrangement Services
Why should I pre-arrange?
There are 3 reasons why many people choose to prearrange and prepay.
- It relieves an emotional burden from those you love.
- You can express your own wishes.
- You can relieve the financial burden from those you love.
You may be amazed at how good it makes you feel to get your wishes on file with us. Enjoy the peace of mind that these decisions have not been left for others to face.
At our funeral home, we place the funds you use to prepay your funeral in an irrevocable insurance assignment. The company we use to place these funds in is Homesteaders Life. Homesteaders has been in business since 1907, and offers insurance products that help funeral homes keep up with the cost of inflation. Visit Homesteaders at
Both Mario and Tim are licensed to sell insurance, and increase their knowledge with continuing education programs that enable them to better serve you.
The Pre-Arrangement Process
The process of prearranging your funeral starts with understanding what type of service you would want us to provide for you. This could be a traditional funeral or cremation service. The next step would be to discuss these wishes with your family before you come to see us.
You should also have the pertinent information that will be needed for the death certicate and the obituary. Please call us for a free brochure to assist you.